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A Councelling Centre on SRHR and Family Planning Issues

For this project, the local authority has provided a piece of land of about 0.5 hectares, which has been dedicated for the operation of the counselling centre for a period of 50 years.

Although the heavy rainfall and the resulting severe flooding at the beginning of 2024 delayed the start of construction work on this Pamoza One Stop Centre (POS), the building was largely completed as planned at the beginning of 2025.

Thus, we are now able to realise a project that we have been planning since mid-2022:

In the course of our previous family planning projects, we had repeatedly noticed that there is no facility in Karonga in northern Malawi where premises are available in which sexual and reproductive health services as well as youth-friendly health services can be adequately offered.

In the health facilities where these services are available at all or offered as part of our family planning projects, rooms that are actually used for other purposes have to be improvised. Thus, the rooms lack the necessary equipment, furniture and space, but especially the necessary privacy.

Proceed to the actual project report

Images © by Pamoza

The most important characteristics of this new project:

Region:     Karonga and Chipita districts, North Malawi.

Duration:   December 2023 to March 2026

Budget:     approx. 300,000 €, including BMZ funding

Local partner:    Pamoza Tingakwaniska

Lokaler Partner:       Pamoza Tingakwaniska

In mid-October 2023, we received funding approval from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for a new project:

The establishment of a councelling, information and service centre on sexual and reproductive health and family planning issues in northern Malawi

The main objectives of the project:

● The counselling, information and service centre (Pamoza OneStop Centre) will create a protected space where young people can access YFHS and information in the field of SRHR in a confidential environment.

● After the opening of the Pamoza OneStop Centre, which is planned for the 1. halfyear 2025, all project-specific services in the area of SRHR and YFHS will be offered, in particular:

-  STD testing and treatment

-  Family planning including insertion and removal of    modern contraceptives

-  Family planning therapies (psychosexual   counselling)

-  Information sessions on SRHR

● Through regular community forums and health marches, we will provoke a change in the awareness of the community. This overcomes preconceived negative attitudes and myths about SRHR. These activities are supported by topic-related radio broadcasts as well as the targeted use of social media.

●  Regular trainings are held for health care workers on SRHR and YFHS so that they can provide project-related services when needed. In addition, 2 corresponding workshops are offered for local authorities, at the level of Group Village Headpersons.

This project aims to sustainably promote awareness and empowerment of adolescents, as well as the ability of young people to make conscious, healthy and respectful decisions regarding their sexual behaviour.